Fortifier, strengthens the plant defences.
Against honeydew and sooty mould
Compound soap obtained from potash and vegetable oils, flavoured with cinnamon and orange. Highly biodegradable, water-soluble and no phytotoxic. the soft soap has a fortifying action against insects with tender cuticle like aphids, whiteflies etc. and against mites. It acts by contact softening the cuticle and causing suffocation. In the mites it carries out a drying action and the aromatization with cinnamon and orange keeps them away. Moreover it performs an indirect action against sooty mould because it promotes the melting of the honeydew produced by insects and helps to remove the eggs laid on the leaves. The soft soap can be used in fruit-growing, horticulture and gardening, at any time of the production cycle. It leaves no residues. For edible crops, it is advisable to allow at least 48 hours after treatment before eating the crop.
shake well before use, dilute 8-10 ml in 1 litre water and sprinkle the whole plant, leaves, flowers and fruits, during the coolest hours of the day, preferably at dusk. Preventive action: treat every 10-15 days, from the beginning of bloom until just before the fruit picking. Curative and protective action: treat when infestations arise and, if necessary, repeat 5-10 days after the first treatment.