Product acting on the soil Inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi
greater rooting of the lawn and kitchen garden against fungal diseases of the lawn
mycorrhizae (symbiotic fungi), spread on the soil, can bind their mycelia to the roots of the plants through a sort of sleeve, increasing the absorbtion of the nutrients from the soil. The lawn grows with greater elasticity and resistance to trampling, as well as a brighter and more uniform colour. The saprophytic fungi in the product, notably Trichoderma harzianum, have an antagonistic effect on some pathogenic fungi such as Pythium, Corticium fuciforme (Red Thread), Sclerotinia (Dollar Spot), Rhizoctonia Solani (brown patch), Microdochium nivale (pink snow mold) and rust, preventing their development. It leaves no residues in the soil.
incorporate the mycorrhizae into the soil at a depth of 15 cm, to allow a direct contact with the plant roots, with a dose of 1.5-2 g/m2.